"Who are you “being”? Discover your true potential

Have you ever met someone who makes life look effortless and secretly wished you could be a little more like them? Cool under pressure, calm in an argument, able to bring out the best in people and situations.

Here’s the truth - you can.

You do this by asking one simple question: "Who am I being?”

Who we are being dictates the actions we take. And what we do (or don’t) delivers the outcomes we get. It's how people then respond or react to us (both positively, and negatively).

This concept underscores the fundamental truth that our actions are a direct reflection of our inner identity. To achieve great things, or be calm in a crisis, we must first become the person who is those things.

Let me give you an example. My father became unwell on Tuesday evening and I had to call an ambulance. I needed to be calm for him and the people around us. While it was distressing and scary, I managed to stay reassuring and calm through the process.

Hours later, once he had been admitted to the ICU and everyone had gone home, I sat down and cried. The adrenaline had worn off and I was tired and overwhelmed.

My next interaction with the medical team was different. It was 3.30 in the morning, I was tired and I wanted an update. I heard myself complain to a passing nurse about how long I had waited and something in my tone cut though my awareness.

My way of being had changed. I was no longer self-assured and in control, I was alone, sad, someone to whom this was happening.

I noticed, and so I stopped and reflected on what was going on.

I remember thinking that I was proud of how I’d handled the events so far. I then thought about how I wanted to feel the next day when I looked back on this night. I realised that this version of me was not going to get that result. It was no longer about my Dad, it was "poor me”.

So I took a deep breath, I wiped my tears and stepped back into being the person who could handle all this. The one who knew she simply needed to ask the right person a couple more questions and then go home to rest. And that’s what happened.

I’m not saying we shouldn’t experience our emotions - it’s essential that we do. And yet, we can handle more, do more, be more, than we ever imagined. We can be like the people who inspire us.

We can do this if we have awareness of who we are being in that moment. All our behaviour, our actions, stem from this.

So, let's delve into this intriguing idea and explore a simple three-step process to check in on "who are you being", so that you can elevate yourself and discover your true potential.

Step 1: Self-Awareness

The first step in this transformative journey is self-exploration.

Take a breath and think about the "you" that's been running the show. Are you rocking the "best version of you" cape, loaded with potential, resilience, and determination?

Or do you sometimes feel like you're caught up in a victim mentality, where life's a rollercoaster you didn't sign up for?

Essentially this step is about recognising your current state of being. It's about acknowledging the thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that shape your identity. It’s about asking yourself, is this version of you empowered or disempowered?

Getting real with yourself in this way can be hard. You might not like what you see, but without this awareness, you can’t make meaningful changes in your life.

Step 2: Define Your Ideal Self

Once you've got a handle on the current you, it's time to dream a little. Picture your heros and imagine your superhero self. The one who can rock any challenge, live life to the max, and make dreams a reality.

This isn't just wishful thinking; it's a blueprint for the amazing person you can be with a dash of commitment and conscious effort.

Jot down the cool stuff your superhero self is all about. Notice the qualities, values, and beliefs that this version of you embodies. These notes will be your compass, guiding you towards who you need to be, so that your decisions and actions that sync up with your ultimate identity.

Step 3: Act in Alignment

The final step is to bridge the gap between your current self and your ideal self by taking intentional actions.

This should be the fun part—turning your superhero self into everyday you. To do this each day you simply ask yourself, "Who am I being right now?"

Keep checking in, are your thoughts and actions aligned with your awesome aspirations? If not, that’s ok; just steer your ship in the right direction with some conscious choices. Shift your mindset and behavior toward your ideal self.

Try to remember that change takes time, you’ll make progress and occasionally slip back. But with little actions that align with your superhero self, you'll find that achieving great things becomes not only possible, but inevitable.

So, your daily mission - ask yourself “Who who am I being?” and discover your true potential.

Charlotte Whalley