Is this the nudge you need?!

Discover the 4 telltale signs that it's time to work with a Life Coach

and how to find the right one for you.

Have you been wanting to make changes in your career, relationship or life generally, but keep putting it off? 

Do you keep avoiding, making excuses or procrastinating? Are you caught in the cycle of self-doubt that leaves you feeling stuck and drains your confidence?

Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of making the change
— Tony Robbins

I know this to be true, because that’s when most of my clients come to me - at crisis point. The scales tip and they know they HAVE to do something. I’ve been there too and it sucks!

I’ve said it before but avoidance doesn't work. Sadly it is the path to burnout. Again, been there! It was when my doctor wanted to put me on medication that I finally took action. I didn’t need antidepressants, I needed to change my job, I just didn’t know how to. I was stuck! That’s when I went to work with a life coach.

As I was editing this email, a notification interrupted me ‘Ministers want GP’s to refer people to life coaches instead of signing sick notes’.  I can’t decide if that is good news (to get people the help they need) or horrifying (as it shows the scale of the problem) 😱

We know life is filled with ups and downs and unexpected challenges. At times, it can feel overwhelming, and while we may long for guidance and support, we rarely ask for it. And even then, we may not know where to find it.

So, if you’d like to know how to spot the signs of when it's time to work with a life coach, and how to find the right one - then I’ve got you.

First of all - what is a life coach (I mean really, what’s it all about?!)

A life coach is a trained professional who can help you to overcome self-limiting beliefs and set meaningful goals, to achieve personal growth and fulfilment. Or as I like to say, “to help you go from confusion to clarity and restore your confidence”.

But how do you know when it's the right time to work with a life coach?

Here are the 4 telltale signs that you may need a Life Coach:

  1. Feeling Stuck: If you find yourself in a rut, lacking motivation, or unable to make progress in certain areas of your life, it may be a sign that you need some external guidance.

    A life coach can help you uncover what's holding you back and develop strategies to move forward.

  2. Lack of Clarity: Are you unsure about your life purpose or struggling to define your goals?

    A life coach can help you gain clarity by asking thought-provoking questions and guiding you towards a deeper understanding of yourself.

  3. Repeating Patterns: Do you find yourself repeatedly facing the same challenges or making the same mistakes?

    A life coach can assist you in identifying and addressing these patterns, helping you break free from limiting behaviours and beliefs.

  4. Transition and Change: Major life transitions, such as career changes, relationship shifts, or personal transformations, can be scary.

    A life coach can provide support, encouragement, and practical tools to navigate these transitions with confidence and grace.

How to find the right Life Coach for you

  1. Research and Credentials: Look for a life coach who is certified or has undergone professional training. Research their qualifications, experience, and areas of specialisation to ensure they align with your needs and goals.

  2. Compatibility and Chemistry: It's crucial to find a life coach who you feel comfortable with and have good chemistry. Schedule a discovery call or initial consultation to assess their approach, communication style, and whether you resonate with them.

  3. Client Testimonials: Read reviews and testimonials from past clients to gain insight into their experiences. This can provide valuable information about the coach's effectiveness and the results they've helped others achieve.

  4. Personal Connection: A good life coach is someone who genuinely cares about your success and well-being. They should be compassionate, empathetic, and non-judgmental, while also challenging you to grow and push beyond your comfort zone.

  5. Check the Approach: so you want a life coach who focuses on setting clear goals and creating actionable plans to help you achieve them. Or someone who’s going to go deeper and help you transform your thinking? A results-oriented approach can ensure you make tangible progress towards your desired outcomes. A mindset coach can help you shift from ‘doing’ to ‘being’ - a powerful shift in who you are and how you get results.

  6. Structured Coaching Programs: Some life coaches offer structured programs or packages that provide a systematic and comprehensive approach to personal development. If you’re feeling stuck - this is a particularly effective method. Assess whether this aligns with your preferences and needs.

Remember, working with a life coach requires commitment, effort, and a willingness to be open to change. It's essential to approach the coaching relationship with an open mind and a genuine desire for personal growth. A life coach can serve as your cheerleader, mentor, and accountability partner, but the real work lies within you.

So there you have it - recognising the need for a life coach can help you take action before you reach crisis point.

By paying attention to signs of feeling stuck, lacking clarity, or repeating patterns, you can determine if it's time to seek professional support. A good life coach will provide the support and guidance you need while challenging you to unlock your true potential.

If you’d like to book a free discover coaching session with me, simply click here. Or email me and I can home resources on where to find great coaches to meet your needs.

Charlotte Whalley