Is this the nudge you need?!

Discover the 4 telltale signs that you may need to work with a Life Coach and how to find the right one for you.

Have you been wanting to make changes in your career, relationship or life generally, but keep putting it off? Do you keep avoiding, making excuses or procrastinating? Are you caught in the cycle of self-doubt that leaves you feeling stuck and drains your confidence?

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Charlotte Whalley
The “Yes” Dilemma ⚡

How to break free from overcommitment and find balance.

Do you often find yourself caught in the never-ending cycle of saying "yes" when you would really rather say "no"? Are you overcommitted, feeling overwhelmed, and struggling to find a sense of balance in your life? If so, this email is for you.

The "Yes Dilemma" - we live in a world that celebrates the "yes" mentality, where being constantly available and accommodating is often seen as a virtue. 

However, constantly saying "yes" without considering our own limits can have a detrimental impact on our well-being and overall happiness.

Don’t worry you are not alone, read on for empowering insights and practical strategies to help you break free from the cycle of overcommitment. Discover a healthier, more balanced approach to life.

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Charlotte Whalley
There's more to life than “busyness”

There's more to life than “busyness”.

How to stop being “busy" and be happier instead

Being busy makes us feel good. It can feel validating.  But it’s also burning us out.

Even when we know we want to find more work-life balance, spend time on meaningful work, and disconnect at the end of the day, actually doing that is another story. 

When we’re busy running around, answering emails, putting out fires, and racing to back-to-back meetings, we’re activating our flight, flight or freeze stress response.  

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Charlotte Whalley
Why you’re not getting what you want

Finding that you’re not keeping your New Year's resolutions, intentions, vision or goals? You’re not alone as this is traditionally the week that they get abandoned.

It’s not because you’ve not got enough will power - okay? Something else is going on… ready to hear what?

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Charlotte WhalleyComment
National "I forgot day" and how to celebrate it

National “I forgot day” falls on the halfway point of the year. It feels like a fitting day to check progress on our new year's resolutions. If they are long forgotten - you’re in the majority. 80% of NY Resolutions aren’t kept!

If that’s you, I’m curious, were they really things that you wanted to accomplish?

  • If yes, how can you get back on track?

  • If not - check out the ways you can observe and enjoy “I forgot day” here.

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