National "I forgot day" and how to celebrate it

National “I forgot day” falls on the halfway point of the year. It feels like a fitting day to check progress on our new year's resolutions. If they are long forgotten - you’re in the majority.  80% of NY Resolutions aren’t kept!  

If that’s you, I’m curious, were they really things that you wanted to accomplish?  

  • If yes, how can you get back on track? 

  • If not - check out the ways you can observe and enjoy “I forgot day” below.

Some people like to use this date to shut off their brains and not worry about remembering anything for the day. 

However the actual purpose of this national day is for people to make amends for the things that they’ve forgotten about. So if you’ve forgotten someone’s birthday, why not get in touch or give them a belated birthday present?

Another way to observe this day is by setting up systems that will help you do a better job of remembering things. 

Here’s a couple of ideas:

  • You can create your own ‘list of everything’ - that is everything on your mind / that you’re trying to remember to do. This is exhausting and takes up mental disk space.

  • Download it by writing it down then assigning it to one of 3 categories - now, this week, never (...!) 

  • Alternatively, use today to update calendars, create reminders - whatever it takes to help you remember all of those special events that you tend to forget throughout the year.

Let me  know how you get on and do share your productivity tips below!