Happy half year! 6 Journalling prompts to make the most of the next 6 months

The 2nd of July 2021 is exactly half way through the year. We have 182 days to go….

When someone points out it’s midway through the year, what usually happens to me is that I first feel surprised. And then concerned.

I worry that I’m somehow behind and I've not accomplished what I “should” have. 

However, by taking time to journal and answer these questions, I’m always amazed at how much I actually accomplished!

It also helps me to get clear on what I’ve learned and where I need to focus for the next 6 months.  That’s the power of a regular journaling practice.

For example, take the first question below “how does being half way through the year make you feel and why?”

Some people, like me, might wonder where the time has gone?! They may feel panicked, thinking they’d be further ahead... 

Others might feel like time had dragged by having endured the seemingly endless lockdowns, lack of routine and no real summer holiday in sight. 

Either way it’s interesting to see your reaction to this question. Try to understand why you feel this way and how this changes as you answer each question below.

You could return to the first question and see if you feel differently by the end of the journaling practice.

Enjoy the process and let me know how you get on.

6 Journal Prompts - review the past 6 months & make the most of the rest of the year

  1. How does being half way through the year make you feel? Why?

  2. What’s your favourite moment so far of this year? What would you like to celebrate or remember?

  3. What are you proud of (or pleased) that you’ve accomplished so far this year?

  4. What could have gone better? What did it teach you?

  5. What would make the biggest difference to your life, if you were able to do it by the end of 2021?

  6. Same question as above - but for your work or career?

    I hope you enjoyed this reflective journalling practice. If you’d like to download the prompts - click here.

Let me know how you got on, drop me an email at hello@charliewcoaching.com or comment below.